Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Melissa Jayna and I are officially on a first name basis with Kostas the coffee shop owner near the school. He makes jokes with us and is very friendly and helpful with our Greek. I honestly feel like I know more Greek in these few weeks then I learned in French all of high school. poli kala!

I had a very productive day of doing lots of homework, and reading! Doing work for 5 classes at once is challenging for sure. But I feel good and accomplished!

I made a real dinner last night! (Not my usual gourmet sandwiches or eggs, which I must admit are pretty damn good. Ive been making omelets and toasting my bread in a pan cause we dont have a toaster. Even my sandwiches of fresh turkey, tomatos, mayo, cheese ect are coming out really really well!) Anyway yeah I made a real dinner! I marinated chicken breasts in balsamic and then cooked them on the stove! It was kinda scary and required two phonecalls to the parents for help, but it worked! and I added some green pepper to the mix. It fed all four of us and we delicious! I can cook, who knew?

Out of stress and our ability to sleepin this morning (wednesday is literally the only day to sleep in including the weekends) we went out last night! It was a great night. Melissa and I freely made some great mixed drinks to go with dinner, and then around 11 we made our way to Psiri which is a cool hip neighborhood of Athens with lots of bars. We found a cozy spot with cold beers and lots of hookah. A little while later some other Arcadians stumbled upon us and joined our little party. We had a great night of Mythnos (Greek Beer) and Apple hookah. But we finished it off right with Mcdonalds. It was perfect.

Our arrival home wasnt that graceful (we did get a 3 euro cab ride though which is equal to our bus fair so yeah it was beastly) Our other roommate Melissa (the other Melissa) had gone to bed long before we got home at 3am and had deadbolted the door not realizing we'd be unable to get into our apartment. SO we found ourselves locked out our apartment. um its 3 am wtf are we suppose to do, the entire building was silent and believe me Greeks take their quiet hours very seriously. she had a cell phone but lost it and sleeps with headphones in so of course didnt hear our yelling, banging, buzzing and doorbell ringing. it took 25 minutes to wake her up and get her to unlock the door. Once inside my Mcdonalds was cold and my milkshake warm, but I am very happy we didnt have to sleep in the hallway.

I didnt have class today until 630. and I got to Skype with Lior and Trace Yay!! Now I am about to go to sleep because I have to be up megaearly for class so far across Athens. And my parents are visiting me in November!!!! (So excited!!!!!! I miss my parents far to much to be turning 21 soon)


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