Wednesday, August 26, 2009

whats with today, today?

so ive been gone for three days and ive yet to receive any comments or emails. i hope this isnt what the rest of the trip is going to look like kids..
Last night I watched Once and spent about 5 hours laying in the dark trying to sleep. It was lonely and scary kinda. Nobody in the world here but myself. Since my hours awake made the morning came quickly and I had nobody to tell me to stop pressing snooze on my alarm, I ended up turning it off and sleeping in pretty late. Ive got four months though, I think I can handle sleeping in one or two days. When I finally got outside it was blistering hot. But when I crossed to the shady side of the street it wasnt that bad. I spent the whole early afternoon running from one side of the street to the other, hoping to get out of the sun. I still managed to get a watch tan line though.
Later in the day I took this cool city sightseeing tour that goes around on a red double-decker bus. My family took the tour by the same company in York so I knew it would be helpful. The pass you get is good for the whole day and you are able to get on and off sporadically. Its kinda like the local transportation for tourists. I took it for a while until I got to the old Olympian stadium used in the first modern Olympics in 1896. I knew my housing and Arcadia's school was somewhere south of there so I decided to explore a little.
Once on the south side of the stadium things really quieted up a bit. I can imagine that being nice (considering this morning around 7 I was woken up by a bunch of workers down the street from my window.) There are a lot of hills in that neighborhood (imagine san fran but a little less intense) so im sure my dad will think its a great way to get lots of exercise!!(and i thought the walk to central classrooms was bad..) We got our housing in an email today. I have 4 roommates and 2 half facebook, the other two..well i dont know about them. fingers crossed they are cool and everything. from talking to june, jane and leora i really feel like who you live with makes a BIG difference on your experience.
Im gonna go upstairs to eat. I walked home this evening from a part of town kinda far from where Im staying and I have to admit my anxiety caught up with me and I got a little freaked out. I did make it all the way home (on foot) fine. There were a few instances though when I almost hopped in a cab. Greek men find it cool to come up to you on the street, tell you that youre pretty and then follow you for 20 minutes asking for your number until you give them a fake one to ward them off. (thankgod for fake numbers)
im a little lonely tonight. miss and love

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