Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Arrival in Athens

I clearly probs wont be writing this much once things really start up, but that isn’t a god reason not to write..right now. When I left Cleveland I was exhausted and not really ready to start thinking about what I was getting myself into. I got to my gate and instantly fell asleep, woke up when it was my turn to board the plane, and once in my seat passed out immediately. I really don’t have many unique skills but I do have a few ones that I find pretty valuable; one being my ability to work TVs, and my relevant one, my ability to sleep on planes. Honestly I can sit down and just PASS OUT. So anyway that was nice.
I got to Newark and had FOREVERRR to wait for my flight to Athens. I was dragging my backpack, that I swear is heavier then my suitcases (okay exaggeration but shit man, its heavy) and my purse, that was so filled that I could barely pull the handles closed. My Newark adventures were kinda fun. I bought a nail polish and painted my nails. They actually don’t look that bad! And I wondered around to about every electronic store in the terminal (there were about 5) comparing headphones and then finding the best priced ones.
I attempted to buy a book, but due to the fact that I felt like Atlas (you know..that Greek guy who had to carry the world on his shoulders? I’m trying to channel my Greek knowledge ha) I didn’t buy one. Good thing, because the minute I got on the plane I realized…nobody was on it? The plane was about 1/4th full. A huge 747! Yet I only saw like 50 people on it? At least in my section. That made it possible for EVERYONE to spread out. A lot of people took the three middle seats, put the armrests up, and lied down to sleep, but I kept my window seat and the one next to me because in my opinion window seats are airplane heaven.
My cab ride into Athens was really fun. I had an Australian cab driver who was interested in talking my ear off about Contiki tours (apparently EVERYONE in Australia does them), the fires, and placed to tell June to go in Sydney. I noticed on the ride in that we were being waved through every intersection, even through red lights. Confused I asked my cab driver what was up and he told me to turn around. Behind my cab was a caravan of 4 Black Audis with tinted windows surrounded by secret service looking guys on motorcycles. He explained to me that right after we got on the highway, the Prime Minister left his home near the airport and since my hotel is across the street from Parliament, he took the same route as me. My driver told me it normally takes about 35 minutes to get into Athens from the airport, but it only took us 15! I felt very VIP, Athens really rolled out the red carpet for me!
After checking into my hotel I channeled my mother and told myself I needed to get out and not go to sleep (I was 4 am my body’s time). Armed with only a small map from the reception desk I started walking.
I was nervous before. How do you pick to stay four months in a city you’ve never been to? What if you don’t like it? What if it isn’t for you? I was right though. It is really amazing here. So old and modern, tropical and yet cultured. I didn’t do anything interesting really. My mind was very fuzzy so I just walked and walked and walked and walked. It was great to feel free. Walk into the stores I wanted to see, walk out when I wanted to leave. I’m very comfortable wandering by myself.
For siesta I am back in my room with the window open reading guide book after guide book to plan my day tomorrow. I’m looking into walking tours and bus tours. I don’t want to do too much these first few days. I am gonna be living here for 4 months..I think I can take it slow.
Tonight who knows! Going out for a late dinner, possibly find a bar to drink some ouzo, ill have fun.
Love and miss to all!

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