Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"at least i wouldnt leave you a highschool hockey game"

i know this is suppose to be about my journey and whatnot but lets be honest. i cant really stick to the day to day stuff very well. im bored and cannot sleep for the life of me. i just watched half a season of the office. the second season when jim is absolutely in love with pam. it might be the most adorable thing ive ever seen in my entire life. it breaks my heart


  1. Hey emma tay tay!!
    I know you have only been in Greece a couple days but your pictures are beautiful! I know you said some of the Greek men seem like creepers but any hot ones? I bet you'll fall in love similar to sisterhood of the traveling pants.:) The past couple of days have been pretty boring. I moved out of archer on friday. Nanc2 came to help me move my stuff to chittenden and even though my closet is mircoscopic, I think the room came out well! I came back to williamsport on Sunday and went to dinner with Butters, at Perkins of course. After that we walked around little league. It's been really nice being home and relaxing and doing laundry for free. Right now I'm watching toddlers and tiaras and it's knida freaking me out but I hope you're doing okay! I'll try to write as frequently as I can. Just to let you know I am reading your blog daily and I'm vicariously living through you because I dont know if I will ever study abroad. You have such an amazing opportuninty at your hands. I love your details, it makes me feel like I'm really there with you :) ciao!
    ps expect a gift from me soon LML!

  2. Ahhhhh Emmie I just wrote you the longest message, and it got deleted ughhhhh. Ok I talked a lot about how amazing the walking sounded. Then I talked about how I was in Destin walking a lot, but the walks clearly are not as exotic. Then I was reflecting on how much I missed you, and I how I wanted you to be careful around creepers (of course.)
    I will write you a long long long email when I get home.
    six bee love

  3. I tried to write you a comment yesterday and the computer hated me. But I love reading your blog already, and it already seems like you are having an amazing time. I miss you terribly already. I don't know what I am going to do without you this quarter. I cannot wait to hear all your stories. If the men there are anything like Turkish men, you should be careful. HAHAHA. They can be very creepy. I love the cat picture. Cats are everywhere. And do not worry. I will be updating you with funny happenings and tagging your arm in all my pictures. :) Love you BIG!!!
