Tuesday, October 6, 2009

rebel with a cause

hi. this is the last thing in the world i should be doing. but im irritated so i dont care. i just took the most amazing nap but had to wake up and run to school carrying like 20 pounds of my laptop because we dont have internet in the apartment but i had to email something in that was on my computer, by 5 because they are crazy and i was followed half the way by some creepy dude and im so tired and thirsty and i still have to finish my greek hw. ive had tons of homework this week. and tons getting assigned for the future. a little overwhelmed. not really cause the work is hard, but because it is so time consuming and i dont even have internet at my apartment and i need that to do so much of the hw. why do they give me homework where the internet is so essential but they couldnt even provide internet?
annoyed. have to go to class.

also. this is kinda goofy. isnt it ironic that the greeks started the Olympic games, along with several other games in classical times because they thought sport was so important. but now, nobody in this country seems to work out. i love it. if someone is running down the street. they are def an american.

edit./ apologize for my outburst earlier. hectic life here. great night. sat in melissas bed until i couldnt feel my behind and planned out our excursions for the next few months. santorini this weekend, corfu next, possible somewhere the next weekend? Thessaloniki for a week with Arcadia, the rents and traveling with them. Paris first weekend in December!! jet/boatsetting!

more funny things: Greek McDonalds is probably the most hilarious thing. We have one about 200 ft from our apartment so its great for thursdays when we cant bare the idea of another turkey sang, or late nights when we are hungry for something other then yogurt.
A. Every time melissa and i go in there (often surprisingly) we make a SCENE.
B. Even though the names of the foods are in English (i.e. Mcnuggets, Big Mac) nobody who works there can understand us.
C. Melissa said "tessera me koka kola light" (number 4 with a diet coke) but the guy thought she ordered 4 diet cokes, apparently calling something but its number is not popular here.
D. They give you these hilarious mini-tridents (like the one Poseidon used!). we didnt know what they are for, but Maurice, our friend who works at MickyDs, told us they are for showing our french fries who is boss.
E. Although in the US we know it as FAST food..it takes longer in Greece to get your food then to have an intellectual debate on the meaning behind Plato's Third Man Argument. (I dont know what that is i just googled Plato but the point is, we make friends at Mcdonalds because it takes about 10 minutes to get your food)
E.a. Actually one time we tried to make conversation about the upcoming election, but they werent having any of it. Apparently they think we are Communists.
F. All workers at Mcdonalds wear these Mcdonald jeans. they are dark wash denim with the golden arches stitched into the back pockets. wtf. (we know this because in our ten minutes of waiting time we cant help but watch Maurice fill drinks and make coffees)
G. We love mcdonalds

i did not take this photo but it was there when i googled mcdonald jeans!

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